How We Started

ICS commenced its market research operations during the last quarter of 2004. In 2004 ICS partnered with IMRB, Bombay (India) to conduct its first ever large qualitative and quantitative market research in the Maldives. IMRB experts visited the Maldives to train and develop our staff to carry out recruitment of respondents for focus group discussions as well as for field surveys. Special training was provided to carry out specific quality checks to assure that the selected sample strictly conforms to what is required of the study.

ICS has been instrumental in organizing focus group discussions, telephone interviews, telephone polling, face to face interviews and has commissioned several market surveys for many of our trusted clients in the Maldives. We are at present the most experienced market research company in the Maldives. We do use latest technology to collect, enter and process the data for further analysis.   

Political Surveys

Starting from 2008 Presidential Election we had been conducting market research for various political parties and political figures. The largest of its all till date is the work we did for presidential election in 2008. We face to face interviews, focus group discussions and telephone polling for almost 24 months prior to the Election. The last polling results was less than 2% away from the actual results of the election.


Commercial Surveys

Customer Satisfaction Surveys to some of the largest brands in the Maldives was conducted each year. Changes in customer preferences over the years were identified analysed and reported to the client. Actions were taken based on these findings.

Brand Image Surveys were also conducted frequently. 

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